Community Arts

 TrustHouseWriters, 2016-2017: A writing group at TrustHouse to encourage literacy, writing, and community.

Writer By Bus: A residency on the public transport system in Roanoke Valley.  

Projects done with O, Miami:
Bedside Meter: A group of poets were available on call to the patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital during April 2017 to help interested patients write poems.  

O, My Animals, A project with Roanoke College Students, in which, as part of O, Miami’s annual goal of getting a poem into the hands of everyone in Miami, we printed and handout out dog scarves with Emily Dickinson’s poetry on them, assisted in an adoption event, and visited schools to facilitate kids writing poems about the animals of Miami.

“This Living This Dreaming This Singing”  2018: This program was presented as part of “Where My Dreaming and My Loving Live: Poetry and the Body,” a nationwide suite of programs produced by members of the Poetry Coalition. For more about the Coalition and their annual March programming, go to

Writing Women: A website designed to provide ideas, guidelines, and tips to running a writing group. Included is a free curriculum for running a writing group.

Contact Melanie Almeder at: