Selected Residencies
Writer-in-Residence, Arrowmont School (January 2019)
Research Resident, Centre Culturel Irlandais (July 2018)
Betsy Hotel Residency, Community Arts, O, Miami (March 2018 and April 2015)
Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Annaghmakerrig, Ireland (2005, 2009, 2012)
Can Serrat (2012)
Selected Readings and Talks
Reading, NYU, The Red Room Series, March 2017.
Poetry Reading/Lecture, “Speculative: Teaching and Writing Poetic Form in These Times,” Florida College English Association Conference, October 2017.
Reading, City University New York Galleries, Poems about Borders and the Exhibition “Does a Line Define,” Curated by Beatrix Reinhardt, September 2016.
“Under the Influence” Reading, O, Miami Poetry Festival, April 2016.
Reading and Talk, “Writer By Bus Residency and Poems,” Roanoke Public Library, Fall, 2015.
CityWorks Ex(po) “Ideas for Better Places,” talk: Community Arts and Transit. Roanoke, October 2015.
“Poetry and Persisting Self,” Geraldine Owens Lyon Speaker Series, Lynchburg College, March 2015.
Talk, “Poet as Bricoleur in the Era of Garbage and Graphomania,” O, Miami Poetry Festival” April 2012.
Contact Melanie Almeder at: